The Others

The Saviour often referred to himself as the good shepherd. As the good shepherd, he knows each of his sheep intimately and loves them unconditionally, ministering to those of his flock who were lost, sick, unclean or afraid. He invited all to hear his voice and to come unto him that he might lead them home safely.

Whilst ensuring that his flock were fed and cared for, he sought and continues to seek out his other sheep that have yet to hear his voice, on both sides of the veil and in this work he isn't alone. All who have come unto him are invited to seek out those who are lost and to gather them into the fold.

Regardless of breed, gender or pedigree, in the eyes of the good shepherd we as his sheep are all alike and are known, loved and wanted.

Alyce Bailey 2021

The Others is a finalist and merit award winner in the 12th International Art Competition, Salt Lake City Utah.


